Website Publisher:
SAS Cité Gourmande
Agropole ZAC II BP 113
47931 Agen Cedex 9
423 697 440 RCS [Trade and Companies Register] RENNES
capital 297 840,00 €
+33 (0)5 53 48 46 56
Publishing director: Aurore ROUSSEL
Website Design/Production:
Eidolon Agency, 113 rue Cambronne 75015 Paris
1. Objet
This document contains the Terms of Use for the Website. The purpose of the document is to define the terms and conditions of use of the Website by the User. By using the Website, the User acknowledges and agrees to the Terms of Use.
2. Personal Data Protection
3. Cookies
4. Security Advice
Cité Gourmande does not guarantee that the server hosting the ‘Website’ is unaffected by virus or that no technical problems may arise which could damage any components of the User’s device or data stored on it. Cité Gourmande may not under any circumstances be held liable for any damage which may occur during connection to the ‘Website’.
Individual sections may contain links to other websites. Cité Gourmande has no control over these websites and therefore assumes no liability for the availability, content, advertising, products or services available on or from these websites.
5. Copyright (text, photos, etc.)
photo credit : AdobeStock, ShutterStock, iStock
This website is an intellectual work as defined in Articles L111-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. As the author of this original work, Cité Gourmande is therefore protected and its rights reserved by law.
All data (text, trademarks, logos, sounds or images) that appears on the pages of this website are subject to French and international copyright and trademark law and are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code. The reproduction, use or distribution, in full or in part, and more generally any use for commercial or any other purposes, of thecontent of this website or any of the logos and/or trademarks on any medium or by any means, is forbidden.
This prohibition applies regardless of the means of reproduction, use and/or modification, and regardless of the duration.
Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes infringement and may gave rise to the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.